« 10.05 久米島の サンゴ サンゴ サンゴ サンゴ | ココ | 10.08 構造式が見たいんだ! »

2010年10月 6日

MEME - Motif-based sequence analysis tools  このエントリーを含むはてなブックマーク 


The MEME Suite - Motif-based sequence analysis tools

Timothy L. Bailey and Charles Elkan, "Fitting a mixture model by expectation maximization to discover motifs in biopolymers", Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, pp. 28-36, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, California, 1994.


The algorithm described in this paper discovers one or more motifs in a collection of DNA or protein sequences by using the technique of expectation maximization to fit a two-component finite mixture model to the set of sequences. Multiple motifs are found by fitting a mixture model to the data, probabilistically erasing the occurrences of the motif thus found, and repeating the process to find successive motifs. The algorithm requires only a set of unaligned sequences and a number specifying the width of the motifs as input. It returns a model of each motif and a threshold which together can be used as a Bayes-optimal classifier for searching for occurrences of the motif in other databases. The algorithm estimates how many times each motif occurs in each sequence in the dataset and outputs an alignment of the occurrences of the motif. The algorithm is capable of discovering several different motifs with differing numbers of occurrences in a single dataset.




$ ./configure --prefix=$HOME/local --with-url="http://www.nbcr.net/"
$ patch -p0 < meme_4.4.0.patch_{1..7}
$ make
$ make install


$ wget "http://meme.nbcr.net/meme4_4_0/doc/lipo.fasta"
$ meme lipo.fasta



あと、memeの実行にはcsh(Cシェル)が必要なのでbashしか入ってないときは yum install tcsh (Fedora/CentOS)で cshを入れる。

By ただ at 22:44 カテゴリー ; 生命科学

« 10.05 久米島の サンゴ サンゴ サンゴ サンゴ | 10月の記事 | 10.08 構造式が見たいんだ! »

